
해외 동향

해외 동향

해외 동향








열에너지 전문가 POOL 명단입니다.
번호 유형 구분 제목 정렬버튼 출처 게시일자 정렬버튼 조회수
534 발간물 기타 EIA expects U.S. gasoline and diesel retail prices to decline in 2023 and 2024 EIA(U.S Energy Information Administration) 2023-01-12 24
533 발간물 기후변화대응 U.S. Department of Energy Announces $42 Million to Develop More Affordable and Efficient Advanced Electric Vehicle Batteries in America DOE(Department of Energy) 2023-01-11 119
532 발간물 기타 Crude oil prices forecast to decline beginning in the second half of 2023 EIA(U.S Energy Information Administration) 2023-01-11 55
531 발간물 기후변화대응 Biden-Harris Administration Releases First-Ever Blueprint to Decarbonize America’s Transportation Sector DOE(Department of Energy) 2023-01-10 45
530 연구자료 기후변화대응 Preliminary US Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimates for 2022 Rhodium Group 2023-01-10 28
529 발간물 기타 QatarEnergy and ExxonMobil progress Golden Pass LNG construction work LNGPrime 2023-01-09 23
528 발간물 에너지효율향상 DOE Opens Call for Deployable Solutions to Secure America's Power Grid DOE(Department of Energy) 2023-01-09 21
527 연구자료 기타 LNG Review December 2022 IEEJ 2023-01-06 29
526 연구자료 신재생에너지 Planning and prospects for renewable power: North Africa IRENA(International Renewable Energy Agency) 2023-01-06 31
525 연구자료 신재생에너지 Long-term energy scenarios and low-emission development strategies: Stocktaking and alignment IRENA(International Renewable Energy Agency) 2023-01-05 37

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